Corporate Courses
Anglokom specialises in delivering highly effective, customised training solutions to enterprise level clients throughout Europe and Asia. To find out how our corporate training programs can help your business, get in contact now!
German Integration
The perfect course for newcomers who want to speak fluent German. Anglokom has years of education experience in delivering integration courses and an excellent track record of achieving great learning outcomes for our students. You will learn German with experienced instructors, take part in many fun activities and meet friends from all over the world!
Translation Services
Every day we help businesses develop better relationships with their clients by translating tens of thousands of words into hundreds of languages. Getting started takes less than 5 minutes and your translation project can be returned in only 48 hours.
Many thanks to the staff at Anglokom for being there for us and many thanks to my trainer, Sanja, for her motivation and enthusiasm. Anglokom is in every regard a great place to learn.
I love the pleasant atmosphere at Anglokom. We have a very competent teacher, who is patient and motivates us to learn. A big advantage for me is that Anglokom offers childcare, so my daughter can play while I learn German undisturbed.
At first I tried teaching myself German. This course has helped to bring my German to another level altogether. Fantastic techer! Fantastic location!
It was always my dream to be bilingual. Thanks to Anglokom this dream has become a reality.

Helping you maximize your potential is at the core of everything Anglokom does
Just like you, we know that learning a new language will open the doors to your future and we are committed to ensuring you are able to walk through those doors with all the communication skills and confidence you need to excel. Our commitment to helping you succeed is born of our passion and love for languages and learning. We don’t just believe that being multi-lingual is a skill worth having, we believe it is the skill worth having. Indeed, learning to communicate in another language will help you advance your career, communicate better with those close to you, and understand the complexities and beauty of the culture around you as you live away from your home country.
However, we also understand the challenges, hard work and dedication it takes to learn and communicate in a new language. Because of this we have worked hard to build a teaching team delivers unparalleled academic support both in and outside the classroom, and we have developed and refined a unique, proven learning methodology that we have been successfully utilizing in language lessons delivered to thousands of students across the 3 continents we operate within.
So do something today that your future self will thank you for – speak to one of our education consultants, take a quick level test and have a try in one of our free demo lessons to learn more about our teachers and learning system. We look forward to meeting you soon!
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Finn Hennessy CEO – Anglokom

Fronackerstr. 14/16 71332 Waiblingen, Germany
Anglokom Germany GmbH Fronackerstraße 62 71332 Waiblingen Germany Tel.: +49 (0)7151 976058-22 Fax: +49 (0)7151 976058-29